There are a couple of different methods for beating procrastination. Some may be more effective than others, but you should try each one to discover which will work best for you. Keep in mind that these tips are not just for writing papers and essays. You can utilize them for class projects, presentations, or even studying for an exam or quiz. Don't let procrastination bring you down!
Start working right away
Right after you receive the assignment, you should grab a notepad or fire up your computer and start working. Any ideas that you initially have when thinking about your paper should be written out. This will create a sort of launch pad for your assignment, even if you only work on it for five minutes.
Break the project into little tasks
If you feel overwhelmed by a large assignment, create a to do list that breaks it down into smaller portions that are easier to tackle. If your paper is due in a week, decide what part of it you're going to do each day. Tomorrow you can work on the intro. The day after that, start the body paragraphs. You'll piece the project together day by day and the looming due date won't seem so scary.
Know your "productivity hours"
Maybe you're an early riser, or maybe you're a night owl. People operate effectively at all different times throughout the day. Think about when you find yourself to be the most productive and take advantage of that time.
Reward yourself
This is something you can do for any assignment, or for one that is particularly unpleasant, to help gain some momentum. Say you start working on your paper at 6:00. Tell yourself that if you keep working until 7:00 without a break, you can grab a Snickers or some ice cream. Maybe your friend invited you out that night. If you have a 1,000 word assignment to get done, make yourself write at least 500 words before you can hang out with your friend.
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